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Taiton Resources Limited (ASX: T88) - Ultrafine Soil Survey on Highway Project

Writer: Noel Ong, SamsoNoel Ong, Samso

Taiton Resources Limited (ASX: T88) announces the commencement of the UltraFine Soil Survey on the Highway Project, located in the Gawler Craton in South Australia.

The UltraFine Soil Survey culminates six months of work and signals the first step in the company's exploration program.

The UltraFine Soil Survey is conducted over a five kilometre by five kilometre grid sample spacing at 100 meters by 100meters in the core area where Taiton has just conducted their IP survey where they've outlined a potential intrusion, and where they also have their dual targets defined which is pending approval from the Mines Department.

As they move out from that area, it steps out to a 200 metre by 200 metre spacing - basically, Taiton wants to cover as much space as they can.

Based on the data from their 2018 CSIRO Survey, Taiton is optimistic in finding some positive results. The UltraFine Soil Survey is really also a means for Taiton to refine how it works and use it as a template to move to other parts of the project.

This is an exciting time for Taiton, with their cost-effective ways of looking for targets and they are also starting to collect geochemical information. Certainly more will be revealed with time, so watch this space.

Listen to Noel Ong, Managing Director of Taiton Resources

Learn more about the Gawler Craton

About the Highway Project

Taiton acquired a total of 2,930 km2 of granted tenements in South Australia, focussing on the Highway project. The Highway project has potential for polymetallic mineralisation in an environment rich with hydrochemical activities.

The Highway project is all about understanding that there is a fertile mineral system in place. Historical and work completed by Taiton indicated that the mineral system is fertile and has a magmatic source.

Taiton has now identified potential drill targets and are now awaiting approval to begin drilling.

Completed zircon age dating from historical drilling indicate that the source of mineralisation has the same timing as those feeding the mega mineral deposits of Olympic Dam, Carapateena and Prominent Hill.

Taiton Resources (ASX:T88) Highway Project - Distribution of drill holes with re-dated zircons returning a U-Pb age coincident with an OME age-extension. Such new data has both academic and economic significance.

Figure 1: The location of zircon age dating samples. The results indicate that the area where the Highway Project (Red) is located may be part of the Olympic IOCG Belt (Green), in terms of mineral prospectivity.

Highway Interest points:

  • Tapping the same source as The Olympic Dam Domain.

  • Historical exploration indicates a Strong Mineralizing System in place.

  • Porphyry and IOCG systems may be present.

  • Shallow cover ( less than 50m) allowing cheap exploration.

  • Polymetallic Mineralisation.

  • CSIRO and historical data show a strong hydrothermal system present.

  • Potential for Ionic REE clays.

Historical activities and the location of a zircon date sample at the core of the Taiton Resources (ASX:T88) Highway Project as featured in Brilliant-Online

Figure 2: Historical activities and the location of a zircon date sample at the core of the Highway Project.

Contact Taiton Resources Limited

Taiton Resources Limited as featured on Brilliant-Online

a/ Level 13, 200 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC 3000

t/ +61 3 8648 6431

f/ +61 3 8648 6480

Subscribe to Taiton Investor Hub/



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