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Simplify your life with Hauslein Tiny House Co.

Writer: Brilliant WriterBrilliant Writer

Updated: Aug 26, 2021

German for Small Cabin or Cottage ...

Guten Tag! A ‘Häuslein’ is a small dwelling with a big heart.

It’s warm, the lights are on, you’re welcome here. We named our company Häuslein Tiny House Co because of our German heritage as well as our appreciation for German quality engineering which we seek to reflect in our tiny house builds.

Hauslein Tiny House Co. outdoors with tiny house, featured on Brilliant-Online magazine
Simplicity is bliss...

Expertise comes from experience.

Minimalism isn’t achieved by having less, but rather precisely what you need.

Durability doesn’t come quickly, it’s a process that is steeped in time and attention to detail. It’s these tenets that drive the growing team at Häuslein Tiny House Co. to keep refining its offering whilst building more tiny homes in line with growing demand. Häuslein Tiny House Co. was started in Port Macquarie by a group of four friends who wanted to make a big impact in people’s lives by showing what can be accomplished with ... less!

They wanted to promote the simplified, less-stressed life where individuals can be refreshed, productive, and better able to contribute back to the world around them. In 2018 they built the first Häuslein Tiny House, and, with overwhelming interest and engagement, it sold in a matter of weeks beginning a snowball effect of growth.

There is something about simplicity that beckons most of us in these unprecedented, hectic and complex times. Many of us want to pare back to the basics so we can thrive (not just juggle) and focus on the things that really matter. It seems that the tiny house movement is playing a bigger than expected role for a growing number of individuals and families.

Hauslein Tiny House Co. exterior view, featured on Brilliant-Online Magazine
A small dwelling with a big heart

The philosophy behind the pragmatic aspect of the builds came from the two years Co-Founders Sarah and Scott Rohdich decided to live small in a tiny home themselves.

The drive to make it as ‘home-friendly’ gave them the impetus to carve out a niche among tiny home builders and design/construct a tiny home that felt like a normal home. You won’t see any drop-down beds, fold out lounges or cramped headspaces in a Hauslein Tiny House. Rather you’ll find stairs that feel normal to climb, lofts you can stand up in, full kitchens with space for full-sized fridges and all the creature comforts of home - just with a smaller overall footprint.

They named their company Häuslein Tiny House Co. because of the German heritage of a couple of the founders as well as the combined appreciation of German quality engineering - Häuslein being German for 'small house or small cabin'. This is referenced in every aspect of the build, in both materials and how they are put together.

Building tiny homes in Port Macquarie was an easy decision as the Mid North Coast boasts so much access to the lifestyle that the brand wants to amplify.

Developing the growing team meant finding staff that were aligned with the direction and philosophy of the brand - another benefit of being in this region. Now with 15+ staff, they are able to manufacture Tiny Houses and have successfully installed them up and down the entire east coast of Australia.

The average build time of one of their tiny houses is around 2.5 - 3 months and encompasses everything from fabrication of the highly-engineered trailers to the interior fit-out and finish - supplying a turn-key solution to tiny living.

Häuslein enjoyed the wider press and engagement after being featured in a Better Homes and Gardens TV segment as well as being one of the most visited exhibits at the annual Tiny House Carnival. They still have people book in for workshop tours after having seen them at the show in Sydney.

So what does 2021 and onwards have in store for the team? Sustainable growth is what they’re after.

Growing a manufacturing company from four to 15 staff in two and a half years doesn’t come easy in regional NSW and they’ve expanded their workshop to manage the consistent demand.

Now at the limits of their previous workshop expansion, the team are looking into ways of maximising their brand's footprint and capacity all the while still being based in Port Macquarie, NSW. Fair enough - the Mid North Coast is a hard place to leave once you settle here!

Hauslein Tiny House Co. girl on a hammock simplifying life living in a tiny house, tiny house featured on Brilliant-Online magazine
Living big in a tiny house

As COVID has rewritten much of what we consider normal now - Häuslein has seen the effects of those inspired by the thought of a sea change.

‘It doesn’t matter what instigates the motivation to live smaller - we believe that it will always yield tangible and intangible benefits to alleviate the busyness from our lives and live with agility and simplicity’ says Sarah, Co-Founder and Operations Manager at Häuslein. ‘We watched the domestic tourism boom and the resurgence of the great Aussie road trip come back and it was a beautiful thing - to see families getting out in nature and the beautiful Aussie bush; supporting regional towns, especially after the bushfires of 2019’.

“It was definitely the silver lining as a result of the impact of COVID’ says Josh, the Sales and Marketing Manager at Häuslein. “What resulted from that was a re-discovery 1) of regional Australia and how far it has come in development 2) and how easy it could be to transition to a regional space and work remote or settle into a new role regionally. Have a look at regional property sales and how many people have relocated regionally in 2020-21 and you’ll see!” Häuslein has benefited from this and rightly so. With great access to the Pacific Highway and well positioned between Sydney / Central Coast and Brisbane / Gold Coast, there has been no shortage of visitors to the region - and consequently to Häuslein!

The team aims to supplement the desires of those seeking to live a life more capable of being able to give back. What better way to holiday than to discover how straightforward and accessible a restructure of life can be!

The team at Häuslein love to hear the stories of those seeking out tiny living for many and varied reasons. Most of their customers live in their tiny houses full time, just as two of their co-founders are planning to do again in 2021!

"We’re all in and totally believe in this,’ says Scott, Co-founder and lead Design and Build Manager. Feedback has shown that customers are overwhelmingly thrilled with their tiny houses and the opportunities tiny living has opened for them. 'It’s incredible how such a small, yet well designed space can create both a stunning and highly functional environment to flourish in. We’ve been amazed at how quickly our build schedule keeps filling each year. We’re so thankful for the opportunity to build quality tiny homes for people making a new start in many and varied ways."

In 2021, here’s to simplifying your life!

A word from Brilliant's CEO

You're hearing these new trends a lot - tiny and minimalistic lifestyles. The newer generations I know are more conscious about sustainability. These friends of mine use their money for living in the moment rather than work for a mortgage. They may be called Tiny Houses but they're so comfortable and practical!


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