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Looking for the next Gold Mine in the Pilbara with Caeneus Minerals Limited (ASX: CAD)

Writer's picture: Noel Ong, SamsoNoel Ong, Samso

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

✦ Robert Mosig, CEO of Caeneus Minerals Limited (ASX: CAD) updates us on the projects at Mallina Basin.

Mr. Mosig is a highly experienced geologist who has spent years refining the art of finding a needle in a haystack. Noel Ong, CEO of Samso, has a lot of respect for Mr. Mosig as he comes from the highly challenging brand of diamond exploration geology. And Caeneus Minerals is a nearology play that seems to be showing some signs that they may be tapping into a known mineralised system.

Robert Mosig, CEO of Caeneus Minerals Limited, Noel Ong, Samso, featured on Brilliant-Online

Anyone who has had experience in the world of diamond exploration will attest to the fact that looking for an economic source of diamonds is very expensive and tough process. You need to be able to think out of the box, and you spend endless hours looking at possibilities. And of course, not all of them may come to fruition.

We applaud Mr. Mosig for his experience in exploration and also for being the founder of two companies that are still on the ASX even after all these years - Helix Resources Limited (ASX: HLX) and Platina Resources Limited (ASX: PGM).

Mr. Mosig shares his history and his thoughts on why there is a great story in the Caeneus Limited's Mallina Basin Projects which is located in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The Pilbara has long had a secret of unknown sources of gold occurrences. The first goldfields of Western Australia may finally be revealing some exciting news.

Noel always says that mineral exploration is where you find the next deposit. The easiest way to look for a value adding project for shareholders is to find your own. Simply put, a discovery is a combination of science, persistence, excellent management and LUCK.

A combination of all of those points is the key to success. And we are all keeping our eyes on Caeneus Minerals' story in the Pilbara.


00:00 Start

00:15 Introduction

01:14 Robert Mosig Introduction

03:39 The Caeneus projects.

06:08 Exploration is the key to success.

08:31 Sulphides in the drilling at Robert Hill.

10:37 Is the alluvium a good sign for the Pilbara?

13:31 No issue with Refractory Ore.

15:05 Pilbara is well endowed with Gold.

16:01 Are there any similarities in geology with Hemi?

17:53 The significance of the 20,000m drilling program.

20:01 The exploration style reminds me of old school exploration.

21:47 What is the market telling Robert about exploring in the Pilbara?

24:03 Has new information on the Pilbara region helped Robert in his way forward?

26:00 What are the news going forward?

26:57 Last words of wisdom from Robert.

28:33 Conclusion


About Robert Mosig

Mr Mosig is a geologist with over 30 years experience in platinum group metals, gold, diamonds and specialty metals. In 1986 he was the founding Managing Director of Helix Resources (ASX:HLX) and in 2006 he was the founding Managing Director of Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM).

Mr. Mosig brings to the Caeneus team a strong technical and corporate contribution covering involvement in field programs through to corporate and technical acquisitions and fund raising activities.

About Caeneus Minerals Limited (ASX: CAD)

Caeneus Minerals Ltd (ASX: CAD) is an Australian-based mineral exploration and development company established for the purpose of acquiring a portfolio of highly prospective exploration projects.

The Mallina Province Project

The company’s exploration licences at Roberts Hill and Mt Berghaus cover an area of 170 sq km and 179 sq km respectively and are situated approximately 50 kilometres to the south of Port Hedland. The ground is comprised of structurally and chemically altered granitic, intermediate and ultramafic intrusive rocks which are considered highly prospective for additional gold occurrences to the recent discoveries in the region (De Grey’s Hemi).

Contact Caeneus Minerals Limited


a/ Ground Floor, 168 Stirling Highway Nedlands WA 6009

t/ 08 6102 2656


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eBook to add value to your share portfolio


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About the Author

Noel Ong, CEO of Samso tells compelling stories by engaging business leaders to reveal insights beneficial to the investment community.

Contact Samso

Samso helps executives tell their stories to pique investor interest.

t/ +61 490 092 814


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