✦ Then come and meet your type of people at a Landcare group near you! Learn about our native plants and animals, get experience in plant ID, plant native trees and help improve habitat for our native animals!
Hastings Landcare have a display at the Port Macquarie Hastings Library from January 9th- 28th, where you can have a chat with members, find a group that suits you and see the work being done.
Port Macquarie Landcare Nursery Weed Swap
You can participate in the Port Macquarie Landcare Nursery Weed Swap. See if you can tell the difference between some native and weedy look-a-likes!
You don’t need to know the weeds to take part, that's what the weed swap is about. Education - Landcare members will be on hand to teach you and answer any questions.
New members and volunteers always welcome
Want to help make a difference to your environment? Then join a Landcare Group near you, get involved in their projects and working bees. You can donate as much time as suits you, and as frequently as you have time for, there is no obligation to be at every working bee. Working bees are often followed by morning tea and chat.
There are roles for all age groups, levels of fitness and interests. New ideas are always welcome too!
Hastings Landcare is dedicated to bush regeneration on public reserves in Wauchope, helping control weeds such as lantana, Madeira vine, balloon vine, wild tobacco bush plus more. The group also plant local native plant species to improve biodiversity, prevent erosion and create an under story.
Landcare helps by providing site visits, information, resources and on some occasions grants to help landholders.
So... put on your boots, pull on your gloves and slap on a hat and get out there!
Hastings Landcare Inc.
T: 6586 4465 or 0467 864 465
E: office@hastingslandcare.org.au
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