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Brilliant Women

Writer: Ben Tirebuck, EditorBen Tirebuck, Editor

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

✦ Brilliant-online was born just over 14 months ago through the friendship between Veronica Lind and Chrissy Jones.

The two women saw a need locally, nationally and internationally for an online, interactive multimedia magazine. They put their heads together and step by step Brilliant-online was created and has continued to grow and evolve from day one.

A brilliant friendship between Veronica Lind and Chrissy Jones
A brilliant friendship between Veronica Lind and Chrissy Jones


Veronica is the Business & Marketing Strategist and Co-founder of Vermilion Pinstripes and the CEO at Brilliant-Online.

About Veronica

Her ex-boss said she invented customer relationship marketing. Now that is like a one-to-one relationship. In her current role, she has expanded that notion and scaled it so that all Veronica’s customers feel like they are having a one-to-one relationship because their entire online and offline experiences are personalised.

She created a Modern Marketing Framework to support that kind of marketing which was trademarked in 2018. It’s a unique way of building your brand and sales, of course.

Veronica Lind created the Modern Marketing Framework
Veronica Lind created the Modern Marketing Framework

“I am good with leveraging technology so with my second company, Brilliant-Online, I bring interactive experiences into reading a magazine," Veronica said. I wanted it to be magical like Harry Potter’s "Daily Prophet" newspaper.

To an advertiser, customers can click on their interactive articles and advertisements and go straight to find out more about their products and services. Just one step. We made sure there is strong SEO so that the subject can be found quickly on searches.

The way we write your stories will make you famous. The way we promote your story will let you be seen and heard.

I received an email from Alex who is with a communications company. He noticed that clients' videos averaged 50 to 200 views. Those who advertised with Brilliant-Online, the views averaged 10,000 to 30,000 views! Now, that’s our technology working hard for our advertisers."


Both Veronica's businesses support the community in many ways. Some community groups to benefit from her expertise are the Micro Business Forum, Hastings District Flying Club, Wauchope Creative Hub and the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival.

She told us, “We tell stories about people and businesses in their local community and promote them widely. I build websites and most recently had the pleasure of working with the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival to create an all new website to help celebrate and promote their 38th Festival which is being held now, across the month of March."

Veronica’s business vision for the next 12 months…

Always improve on building magical experiences for our clients and their clients.

We asked Veronica a couple of questions… Apart from work, what are your interests, hobbies?

I cook a lot. Hardly look at recipes. To create a great meal, I just know what’s the missing ingredient needed to make adjustments!

How do you balance your work and family life?

Sometimes, that is a challenge. That’s why it is good to work from home so I am always around to take little breaks to do a few things together.


Chrissy is a Commercial Executive and the Operations Manager at Brilliant-online.

About Chrissy

An experienced sales consultant and journalist, she has worked in print news media for over 18 years. Chrissy loves the written word, having studied News Media Journalism. She was delighted when the long time friendship with Veronica from Vermilion Pinstripes led to the birth of Brilliant-online mid COVID-19, just over 14 months ago.

She says, “Brilliant-online creates another dimension to a story, it can come to life on our pages. By the utilisation of videos, QR codes and interactive advertising, the story is more beneficial for all.”


Chrissy is very community minded, involved in groups since a young age. At just 16 years of age Chrissy was the Secretary of Wauchope Tennis Club, she was a Board Member of Wauchope Show Society for over 10 years and has been both President and Secretary of the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival at various stages as part of the committee for nearly 30 years. in these roles she has had close contact with many members of the community, rising funds for community projects and collaborating with other community groups for the betterment of her home town Wauchope.

Through her role at Brilliant-online she has helped to increase the awareness of many community members and groups, by telling their story or promoting their events via the Brilliant-online pages.

Chrissy Jones at work
Chrissy Jones at work

A media partnership has been forged between Brilliant-online and Wauchope Creative Hub where Chrissy introduces a new “Hubstar” or tells Brilliant-online readership about the monthly events and workshops at the hub.

Chrissy’s business vision for the next 12 months…

To continue to grow Brilliant-online. To introduce both business and community to the magic of the magazine, and collaborate with creatives to further evolve the uniqueness of the Brilliant pages and website.

We asked Chrissy a couple of questions…

Apart from work, what are your interests, hobbies?

I live on a farm, so I love the relaxed lifestyle. My garden is my haven, I just love plants and growing things. We have cattle and I just love it when a calf is born, to watch them play in the paddocks makes me smile.

Becoming a grandma is possibly the best thing ever, my grandson loves the farm, so when he visits it is precious time in my favourite place.

How do you balance your work and family life?

As Veronica said, and I am sure many would agree, that can sometimes be a challenge. As I work from home, you can always manage to juggle the work load to make time for those nearest and dearest.


m/ +6140 777 9828


Advertise with Brilliant-Online

✦ Brilliant-Online is the only publication that offers a single interactive multichannel advertising package.

✦ The purpose of Brilliant-Online is to push for a better world in the digital era.

✦ Brilliant-Online is an empowering read for progressive individuals and dynamic businesses.

✦ For all enquiries about advertising with Brilliant-Online, please contact us here.

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