✦ It's Vivid Winter
It's tax time
June is the time most businesses will look at their finances and tax. If you are an accountant, bookkeeper, business coach or financial adviser, please book your advertorial here.
Small business owners are invited to attend a Micro Business Forum panel discussion on "Get your Finance sorted" on Wednesday 17th May at Port Macquarie Golf Club from 5.30pm. Register here.
Brilliant June Health Themes
There is a lot going on in June for Health. Here's a list. Brilliant will feature Men's Health for June.
June 1-30: Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
June 1-30: Aphasia Awareness Month
June 1-30: Cataract Awareness Month
June 1-30: Men’s Health Month
June 1-30: Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month
June 1-30: National Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month
June 1-30: National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month
June 1-30: National Safety Month
June 1-30: National Scoliosis Awareness
June 1-30: Professional Awareness Month
June 1-30: PTSD Awareness Month
June 1-30: Scleroderma Awareness Month
June 1-7: National CPR and AED Awareness Week
June 3: National Cancer Survivors Day
June 8: World Brain Tumor Day
June 10: Family Health & Fitness Day
June 12-18: Men’s Health Week
June 14: World Blood Donor Day
June 15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
June 16: Rare Chromosome Disorder Awareness Day
June 18: Autistic Pride Day
June 19: World Sickle Cell Day
June 20-26: World Continence Week
June 21: Global MND Awareness Day
June 21: International Day of Yoga
June 25: World Vitiligo Day
June 26: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
June 26-July 2: Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week
June 27: National HIV Testing Day
June 27: National PTSD Awareness Day
June 27: National Sunglasses Day
Subscribe to Brilliant-Online to win the SleepKeeper Pillow and Pillow Case worth $69
SleepKeeper is a water-resistant bag that makes it simple and easy to travel world-wide with a pillow. Conveniently compact a pillow to a third of its size, with a handle that slips onto luggage or clips to a bag to leave hands free. Your pillow will be easy to store on a plane, space saving on a road trip and perfect for camping, cruising, business trips, kids camps. You can't take your bed but you can take your pillow.
More info on the SleepKeeper
Brilliant June Community Themes
Brilliant is open to ideas on Winter Travels and Events.
We are also celebrating Pride month.
Don't forget cruises will still go on during the winter months for Port AdVenture Cruises. Book online - https://bit.ly/rhythmboat
Advertise Brilliantly here.
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✦ The purpose of Brilliant-Online is to push for a better world in the digital era.
✦ Brilliant-Online is an empowering read for progressive individuals and dynamic businesses.
✦ For all enquiries about advertising with Brilliant-Online, please contact us here.