✦ Child Safety and Protection Month is not restricted to just November at TG's Child Care. Families and children trust TG's as a safe and secure space where Playing is Learning for Life!
November 20 is World Children's Day. Read about the importance of knowing the rights of children in our blog here.
November is dedicated to recognising the unique potential dangers children may face in their daily lives, be it at home, school or in public places. It's about taking steps to prevent against challenges and nasty incidents. Taking the appropriate safety measures can help reduce the number of unintentional accidents. Our children trust us to keep them safe. As parents, educators and adults around children, we can also educate children about the potential dangers and teach them what they need to do to keep themselves safe and how to respond in an emergency.
TG's Child Care has their Work Healthy Safety (WHS) incorporated into their ESG strategy to protect the health, safety and welfare of all workers and and others in relation to Australia's workplaces and work activities.
Read about how TG's implements WHS here.
Changes from the ACECQA and NQF
TG's is always on the ball when it comes to changes and updates in regulations from the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) and the National Quality Framework (NQF).
In fact, this October 2023 we are seeing the largest update in these regulations since the introduction of the National Quality Framework. These changes are implemented at TG's and shared with the families as well.
Child Safe Standards
These are a set of ten standards to meet in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children. They help organisations working with children to create a culture of safety and accountability. TG's is committed to protecting the children and these standards are strictly implemented.
TG's keeps an open line of communication with families so they can also be familiar with the standards and procedures at TG's. It is about working in partnership to create a safe and nurturing environment for all children.
Safe Sleep Practices
Under the new regulations, TG's is required to update their policies and procedures for sleep and rest to cover the new National Regulations.
A sleep and rest risk assessment is to be conducted at least once every 12 months, and as soon as practicable upon being aware of any situation that may affect the safety, health or wellbeing of children during sleep and rest.
Reasonable steps are taken to ensure the children's needs for sleep and rest are met, taking into account their ages, developmental stages and individual needs.
Other safety regulations pertain to areas such as:
Arrival and Departure of Children
Child Protection and Child Safe NSW
Emergency and Evacuation
First Aid
Governance and Service Management
Grievance Resolution
Interactions with Children
Professional Development and Study Progression
Providing Safe Environments
Record Keeping
Sleep and Rest
Students Volunteers and Visitors
Water Safety
Sun Safety at TG's
At TG's, children love being outdoors in summer, exploring the beautiful gardens, going on beach kindys, and building relationships with their friends and Educators. TG's children know about the importance of sun safety. And they're here to share some of their Sun Safety tips with you!
Put on your sun hats! Get a wide-brimmed one to provide ample shade for your face, neck and ears.
Wear sun-safe clothing that covers as much of the skin as possible, especially the shoulders, back and stomach. TG's recommends loose fitting shirts and dresses with sleeves and collars or covered neckline, and longer style skirts, shorts and pants.
Wear sunscreen! Get a high SPF sunscreen to apply on exposed skin whenever you are outdoors. TG's children apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going outside.
Bring a water bottle. Staying hydrated in hot weather helps children to feel energised and ready for a day of PLAY!
Learn to be 'sun-smart' like TG's children! This way, we can all have fun in the sun while staying safe and healthy.
So everyone is off to a great start, TG’s also provides each child with a sunsmart and sunsafe bucket wide-brimmed hat when they commence at the service. And the children LOVE their happy sun hats!
Do you have A Little MEG in your pocket?
Child Safety and Protection is not just about external, physical dangers. One also has to take care of one's mental space. Mental health and wellbeing are key to keeping a child safe, open and joyful.
Mindfulness, Empathy and Gratitude are powerful tools every TG's child has in their pockets wherever they go. They experience the benefits of meditating in nature, listening to the sounds and feeling all the senses as they learn to self-regulate to a state of calm and manage their feelings. TG's children build strong skills in mindfulness, empathy and gratitude. They learn to take care of themselves, as well as others.
TG's enrolments open for 2024
If Playing is Learning for Life is a philosophy you share, then get ready to join the TG's Family! Enrolments are open for 2024.
TG's Child Care locations and contact details (below)
Urangan QLD
+61 (07) 4184 2282 | urangan@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/urangan
61 Miller St, Urangan, QLD 4655
Armidale NSW
+61 (02) 6772 7810 | armidale@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/armidale
11 Samuelson Crescent, Armidale NSW 2350
Uralla NSW
+61 (02) 6778 3369 | uralla@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/uralla
23B John St, Uralla NSW 2358
Wauchope - Hastings St NSW
+61 (02) 6585 1033 | HastingsStreet@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/wauchope-hastings-st
33B Hastings St, Wauchope NSW 2446
Wauchope - High St NSW
+61 (02) 6585 3331 | HighStreet@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/wauchope-high-st
223A High St, Wauchope NSW 2446
Wauchope - Riverbreeze NSW
+61 (02) 6585 2981 | riverbreeze@tgschildcare.com.au | tgschildcare.com.au/wauchope-riverbreeze
3 Riverbreeze Drive, Wauchope NSW 2446
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