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Promote your Business to Locals and Visitors

The Award-Winning Innovative Brilliant Magazine is the Media Partner for the EaTs Soul Savour Festival 24

✦ It's like reading the Harry Potter's Daily Prophet Newspaper.
✦ Your videos will be played off the Magazine.
✦ Click on a Call to Action Button within the Magazine to go to your website for information or purchase or call your business from the Magazine.
✦ Get searched for 'life'.

Brilliant Media Interview at $66

Your 2-minute of Fame. Tell your story and
get your business out there.

Media interviews are conducted at the Brilliant-Online Media Booth from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 31st August 2024 at Port Macquarie Race Course. 


Tell your audience - What your business is about, what you sell or promote and how customers can contact you.

Videos may be streamed throughout the day and also promoted on YouTube.


Sign up for an Upgrade for only $285!

Upgrade to place your story on our feature blogs and magazine to reach out to 70,000 readers through our social efforts and emails. This may include a longer interview, a 600-word story about your business, a half-page ad, social sharing of 35,000 impressions and email blast to over 14,000 subscribers.


Yes, all the marketing done for you!

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